You may be recall that a few weeks ago, as a little gift to my loyal followers and supporters, I offered five free sessions to chart how different families around Berlin have been living through lockdown and social distancing, capturing them doing what they do when they have the chance to be outside in the fresh air!
Things are returning to normal a bit here, so I think my final sessions of the group will be more of a celebration of more normal activities, but I wanted to share the first of those sessions, shot a few weeks ago before everything started to open up! I hope you love it as much as I loved doing it! If nothing else, I was just so happy to be out of my own home, doing something for myself, that didn't involve trying to home school a reluctant 8 year old, contain the chaos of his brother and sister, and tidying the house eleventy billion times! And of course, catching up with a beautiful family and my lovely friend, and fellow (amazing) photographer Nina! 😘 So here is the amazing Harwick family! Lots of love, Gemma xxx
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